Chris Li’s Updates

Update 3: HIPAA and Lab Safety

I currently work as a trainer in a lab and a majority of the safety and health training that goes on is in a didactic manner.

In our company we currently use an online lecturing system that provides the individual with a specific lesson and then a short assessment at the end to parse their mastery. One of the most common of these lessons has to do with safety which generally provide a detailed instruction of all the safety protocols for not only the lab, but possibly state and federal protocols. These lessons also provide a video on how to use the equipment properly and discuss proper use of said equipment. The lessons provided are very black and white without any room for interpretation, this is due to the fact that there is no room for error when working the lab.

This is an appropriate use of the didactic method in my opinion because of the number of employees spread across Colorado. When there is only one trainer in the department that is responsible for over 50 employees across the state it would be difficult to have a different method to relay the information to each individual.

Media embedded September 17, 2017


I believe that using this method is anachronistic when you have an opportunity to work with individuals on a one on one basis that could be something more authentic or transitional. Even though this method is a tool that educators can use in various situations it is not something that should be used for each and every situation. When we have the opportunity to make a connection with a student and provide them something more than a lecture we should be doing so.