Chris Li’s Scholar Publications

  • Sample avatar default work medium

    Classroom Gamification

    Published by HRD 572 FA18 on December 17, 2018

  • Sample avatar default work medium

    Schoology: The Facebook of Education

    Published by HRD 572 FA18 on November 14, 2018

  • Sample avatar default work medium

    Classcraft: Gamification of the Classroom

    Published by EPSY 408 SP18 on March 05, 2018

  • Sample avatar default work medium

    Using Games to Motivate Students

    Published by EPSY 408 SP18 on February 12, 2018

  • Sample avatar default work medium

    Learning Management Systems: Schoology

    Published by EPS 431 FA17 on January 11, 2018

  • Sample avatar default work medium

    Standards Based Grading: What does getting an A mean?

    Published by EPS 431 FA17 on September 24, 2017