About Pilar Suescun


  • Graphic Designer, Specialist in Photography, Magister in Plastic and Visual Arts. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Art and Architectur


  • National University of Colombia
    • Ph.D Candidate
    • PhD in art and architecture
    • Calle 45 carrera 30
    • June 2017 to Present
  • Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano
    • Docente Cátedra Magister
    • Diseño
    • August 2008 to July 2019
  • Universidad Católica de Colombia
    • Docente Cátedra
    • Facultad de Diseño
    • July 2008 to Present
  • Universidad Nacional de Colombia
    • Docente ocasional
    • Facultad de Artes
    • February 2008 to December 2017


  • National University of Colombia.
    • PhD in Arts and Architecture
    • July 2016 to Present

    Supervised by Professor María Soledad Rodríguez. Reserch emphasis: History and Theory of Art in Colombia and Latin America.Thesis Title: “Ruins on the latin american photography between 1990 and 2010”

  • National University of Colombia.
    • Master in Visual and Plastic Arts
    • February 2010 to June 2012

    Supervised by Professor Victor Laignlelet. Thesis Title: “Family portraits: Stereotype and extimity”

  • National University of Colombia.
    • Specialist in Photography
    • July 2007 to June 2008

  • National University of Colombia.
    • Graphic Designer
    • July 1999 to June 2005


  • Photography


  • Photography


  • Spanish

  • English
