Sharon Sharon’s Updates

Update # 5 Adapting Music and technology in our classroom

It is true that we have music and art class for children to learn specific topics in these areas. To me the idea to adapt mucis and art into my classroom is more that just play songs and paint. My goal is to use music with different goals, for example, I can play music with specific meaning for them to connect letters, color, animal, part of the body etc. Most of the students are connected with music one way or the other, so it is important to select the appropriate music for them to make connections and be motivated to adaptar this information to their learning process.We can have music in the classroom as long as the music has a purpose and it is the students pleasure. Music help student to relax and promote a feeling of freedom and connections with different experiences.

Technology facilitate us the opportunity to select the music or create a file with a prefered music that we can use during our lesson in the classroom.

I would like to mention that music can help teacher with the students progress because can help children who are depress, sad or even a little bit to happy to regulate themselves and connect with the subject at the moment. The same manner we expose children to several subjects we should do the same with music, expose the students to all kinds of music and let them make the decision of what music they would like to listen while they are working in class.

Adapting music into our classroom will be very meninful for students that allow to feel welcome in the classroom and improve their self-development with a different learning structure.

  • Delaney Wharton