Delaney Wharton’s Updates

  • Update 6- Google Classroom and it's Affordances

    The learning technology I decided to explore and parse for affordances is that of Google Classroom. 

    According to Google Classroom’s site, Google Classroom is a teacher’s mission control for class.  Google Classroom allows teachers to create classe...More

  • Update 5- PBL

    Update 5


    I found a very cool YouTube video that explains the BIE approach to PBL

    Media embedded September 25, 2016

    In this approach, there are 4 phases

    Phase1:  Launch Project (Entry Event/Driving Question)

    Phase 2: Build Knowledge, U...More

  • Update 4

    While I do not use a digital platform right now for learner dialogue with my first graders, I have used Google Classroom, Today's Meet, and Padlet before with older students. I believe that students can benefit from all of these sources if they are...More

  • Update 3 - Quantum Learning and Active Learning

    While I have not seen it in action, I have heard about school districts that are contemplating the implementation of Quantum Learning programs at their schools. It seems like a unique program because it takes what resesarch knows about the brain and...More

  • Update 2 - Hooray for Hapara?

    Hapara is a fairly new educational technology. In some regards, it is wonderful because it allows teachers to send out materials to their students efficiently. Teachers can easily share Google docs with students so they can all...More