Robert Schenker’s Updates

New "Ubiquitous Learning and Instructional Technologies" Student

I am intrigued and excited about this new course. I discovered the class after purchasing "Ubiquitous Learning" on Kindle. I check our Coursera on a whim to see if any courses were offered. I was gratefully surprised. Another conincidence is that one of my favorite education articles was authored by a Professor from University of Illinois, Department of Educational Psychology in 1992, Carole Ames. The study was titled, Classrooms: Goals, Structures and Student Motivation. The article champions mastery learning, a passion of mine and a topic Dr. Cope seems to promote too.

Motivating students was always fundemental to my teaching; a very difficult task in a publisher dominated public school environment. Ubiquitous Learning may be paradigm to free students, teachers, and educational institutions to grow and thrive, free from the walls which stifle traditional education today.