Christy ODonnell’s Updates

  • Update 1: I-Pad/Chromebook


    Chromebooks and I-Pads for students in our school district is the big thing now. Every student 4th grade and up get one of these items to use for the entire school year. They can take them home with them and use to finish any homework assignm...More

  • Update 2: Blended Learning

    According to Mindflash, Blended learning is a term increasingly used to describe the way e-learning is being combined with traditional classroom methods and independent study to create a new, hybrid teaching methodology. Blended learning has ris...More

  • Update 1: I-Pad/Chromebook

    [Image result for cheating with chromebooks]

    Chromebooks and I-Pads for students in our school district is the big thing now. Every student 4th grade and up get one of these items to use for the entire school year. They can take them home with them...More

  • Update 6: Productive Struggling

    As students struggle over a mathematical task, teachers can often hear somestudents utter, “I don’t get it” or “I don’tknow what to do.” Some may even proclaim,“I know the answer, I just don’t know how to explain it.” The kind of struggle referred...More