Christy ODonnell’s Updates

Update 1: I-Pad/Chromebook


Chromebooks and I-Pads for students in our school district is the big thing now. Every student 4th grade and up get one of these items to use for the entire school year. They can take them home with them and use to finish any homework assignment that has been assigned to them during the day. I find a few problems with this and one is not everyone has internet at home. I know that sounds absurd, but we have lots of low income families that are barley getting food on the table and how fair is it to the kids who don’t have internet access to complete a project at home compared to a student who does.

Having an I-pad and Chromebook assigned to the students for the school year also provides easier cheating opportunities. The don’t have to whisper to each other or pass notes- everything they need is right at their fingertips and they can do so without the teacher even knowing. This reminds me of what my 4th grader told me about her spelling tests that were taken on her computer at school. She said: “Mom, when you misspell the word it is underlined in red and you can go back and change it before the teacher says the next word.” She didn’t realize that she was cheating until I told her.