e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies’s Updates

While Attending the Fifteenth International Conference on E-learning & Innovative Pedagogies You Can Visit Mt. Bagua’s Great Buddha

The Fifteenth International Conference on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies is taking place at the National Changhua University of Education, Changhua City, Taiwan. Changhua is home to numerous significant cultural landmarks, but one of the most impressive sights is Mt. Bagua’s Great Buddha.

This 86-foot high statue is a special landmark and spirit representation of Changhua City. In front of the Buddha statue is a large stone gate and two huge stone lions. On the left is an aquarium and to the back is the Big Buddha Hall. Behind the hall are two eight story pagodas offering visitors a stunning view of the city.

Click here to view the conference: https://tinyurl.com/wmvf4bdn