Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Meaning making through assessments

Assessments have partially replaced Tests in most educational systems of learning literacies. They keep students active as their learning is usually interactive and engaging. The system keeps students in touch with teachers and peers. Well planned modes of assessments trigger the IQ of individual students. Mode 2 i.e. criterion referenced brings forth the caliber of specific students who are in a class of many students hailing from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds. Teachers are able to spot students who need additional training, guidance and support to ensure “No child left behind” George W Bush. Engaging in select and supply response showcases the understanding of the subject matter. Rubric based assessments are engaging as their feedback helps shape final draft and thorough interpretation of data in publication. Questionnaires with structured embedded data are rudimentary in research methodology. They reflective realistic sampling of the researcher’s analysis.

  • Florencia Rinchese