Indonesia Education Abroad’s Updates

Week 1 Assignments

Hello everyone, 

Please remember to keep up with your reading response assignments each week. Week 1's reading responses may be posted as a comment under the "Week 1" Update that was posted last week. They should be around 300 words max - you do not need to cite sources, rather, they should be more of personal reflections where you may interact with each other on the week's topics. 

Let me know if you have any questions. I will be posted Week 2 soon, and you will post the reading responses as comments under that post. 

To submit assignments such as the Global Education Pretest (Week 1), click on the "Shares" link in the right hand column, add your file, give it a Title, and then choose "Share with Admin." You will follow these steps to submit your passport copies as well - please submit those ASAP. 

