Indonesia Education Abroad’s Updates

Welcome Back and Final Project

Hello everyone, 

I hope you enjoyed your time exploring the islands of Indonesia! Your photos are wonderful and I am so happy you all had the chance to experience all that Indonesia has to offer, both culturally and educationally. 

Moving forward, Leonardus has mentioned to you all that for your final project, he would like for you to each submit a reflection piece on how the trip influenced you both personally and professionally. As education students, focus especially on how this experience has helped you grow as an educator, and how you forsee yourself taking what you have learned and using it in your future careers/classrooms. 

The reflection should be around 1,500-2,000 words, double spaced. Please also include any photos, quotes, experiences, etc. in your writing. My own suggestion for you is to think back to some of the readings we had before your trip, and tie those themes into your experiences. 

Please submit these reflections no later than Friday, August 21st.

If you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to myself, Allison, or Leonardus. 



  • Guy Hamlin
  • Mackenzie Dankle
  • Guy Hamlin