FA16 Immunization Module’s Updates

Peer Reviewed Case Study

You are now going to write a peer reviewed vaccination and immunization case study, review others' case studies, revise your case study for publication and sharing with other members of the group, and write a self-review of the way in which your work evolved through the peer review process.

Create a case study instance of a child or adult who may be in need of one or more vaccinations, in an advanced or developing society. Your case study could be a real one that you find in the medical literature, or on the web. Or it could by a hypothetical case that you have created in order to illustrate some important medical and human communication issues. Your case could be typical, or it could be unusual in some revealing ways.

You will recieve this request through the Creator Space in Scholar. You should have a "Notification" in the tab above, inviting you to join the project. If you need help navigating the Creator Space, you can refer to Section 3 of the Scholar Tutorials. Be sure to change the TITLE to reflect your Case Study Topic and use the STRUCTURE tool to organize your sections and headers.

In your case study:

  • Include a case description which is sufficiently detailed for your peer professional to be able to offer a well-informed second opinion.
  • Apply key concepts and define key concepts to interpret the case.
  • Recommend a course of medical action.
  • Script the way you are you going to put your immunization case to possibly-anxious parents.

Here is the peer review rubric:

Questions? Please add them to the Comments box below and we will help you find an answer!

  • Adam P Rusch
  • Hannah Frudden
  • Adam P Rusch
  • Andrew Hua
  • Kaitlin Weisshappel
  • Adam P Rusch
  • Adam P Rusch
  • Adam P Rusch
  • Adam P Rusch
  • Madeline Bell