FA16 Immunization Module’s Updates

Timing/Space of vaccinations in adults

The timing of when vaccines are administered is one of the most important factors in determining their effectivness. Below is a list of many popular vaccines and there recommended time frame of delivery. Gold indications recommendation for all patients. Purple indications patients at greater risk of exposure, or with medical conditions that make them more susceptible.

Aside from simply knowing at what times a patient should be vaccinated, clinicians should also take into account the spacing of these vaccines. If Multiple live viruse vaccines need to be administered they must  be given on the same day. If the vaccines can not be administed on the same day then the clinician should wait four weeks before administering. If another live vaccine is administered within four weeks of a previous live vaccine, then the second vaccine is considered non-effective and should be re administered at a later date. It is also important to note that vaccinations within a series should not be given before their minimum intreval time, otherwise the body may not be able to initiate an adequate immune response upon secondary exposure. It is very important as clinicians to understand the optimal timing and spacing of the delivery of immunizations in order to illicit the best protection for patients possible.




  • Emily McLaughlin
  • Mary West