e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Applying Adaptive Learning in a Classroom

Adaptive Learning, as we know, is the method of customizing the course content or the test question pattern to make it suitable for the target audience. In today's diverse educational world, we can not rely upon the one size fits all kind of the structure but we need to offer a tailor-made solution or the ones that have the potential to mold themselves according to the academic intellect level of the audience.

In today's classroom, even with such technological advancement in the education domain, we still lack this differentiation in the teaching process to make it suitable for every student. Partly, the reason is the lack of practicality of the idea and partly, it is due to lack of funding and infrastructure. But there is a lot of potential in this approach to be utilized here. Say, in a classroom, we still focus on the bell-shaped curve where some students are considered brilliant, some average and some not good enough. But the idea here is to apply adaptive testing, at the time of admitting a student in any grade, to judge the level of academic reception. Depending upon the response, students with similar level can be clustered together and put into one class. The teacher can then mold the course content to make it suitable for each class since they have more or less similar kind of students in their class. So that whole issue of impracticality can be taken care of. In the current situation, we identify a group of students and label them as slow learners and design remedial actions for them. But that does more damage than the good intended by the administration. I believe this new approach can contribute a lot to boost up the confidence level of the students. Year after year, if exams are conducted school-wide, on this approach, it can provide a basis to cluster students for the next class. The implementation would definitely call for funding and infrastructure support. But the long term benefits can offset the investment made in the implementation of the idea.





