e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Update #7 Differentiated Learning_Personalized learning

Update #7 Differentiated learning_personalized learning


In the traditional classroom differentiated learning does not exist. This is a situation where all the students need to be on the same page at the same time, while there is only one test with one set of right answers. According to Powell and Kasuma-Powell (2011) the arrangement is premised on a homogenizing knowledge focus. According to Powell and Kasuma-Powell (2011) new learning makes differentiated learning possible and it is a matter of a logistic challenge.

How to make differentiated learning work:

It requires a better teacher who is resourceful.
It requires a teacher that has a broader repertoire of strategies.
It requires a teacher that has advanced classroom management skills.

According to Tomlinson there are four ways to differentiate instruction:


The teacher can differentiate the content by ensuring that they design activities for smaller groups of students and ensure that they cover all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy (remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating). The teacher can divide or organize students’ work according to the level of their abilities as follows:

Students who are unfamiliar with the lesson can complete activities on lower levels on remembering and understanding.
Students who master the lesson can complete activities on applying and analysing.
Students with high level of mastery can complete activities on evaluating and creating.


This method refers to the fact that different students requires different kinds of support because people learn in different styles. In addition to the different learning styles, some students learn better and benefits from one on one interaction, others benefit from small groups, while others in pairs. It is important for the teacher to offer support to all students.

Types of activities includes:

Visual and word students can be provided with a textbook.
Kinaesthetic students can complete an interactive assignment online.


The teacher can provide students with different kinds of activities in the form of tests, projects, and other activities. Students can complete activities to showcase educational concepts in their own preferred way.

Types of activities:

Readers and writers can write a book report.
Visual students can create a graphic organizer of the story.
Auditory students can give an oral report.
Kinaesthetic students can build a diorama illustrating a story.

Learning environment:

It is important to provide students with classroom management technique that provide support for a safe and supportive learning environment. The teacher can break some students into reading groups to discuss activities. The teacher can also allow students to read individually if they prefer and also create space where there are no distractions.

Differentiated learning supports personalized learning because it is about making the designed curriculum suitable for a wide audience. Personalized learning is suitable to a diverse group of students (Powell & Kusuma-Powell, 2011:7-8). In order to be successful in promoting personalized learning it is important that teachers engage in 5 domains of personalized learning:

Students as learners: exploring students’ cultural identities and learning styles and using the information to address specific needs of students.
Ourselves as teachers: Probing our own cultural biases and assumptions, and discovering our preferences in learning styles. Knowing this will enable us teachers to clearly understand and serve students.
Curriculum as a conceptual level: discriminate between the content and transferrable concepts because concepts are overarching and applicable to many areas.
Assessment: Selecting and designing tools in order to match learning objectives you want to measure.
Collegial relationships: Teachers can enlist the help of other professional with different experiences.


Powell, W. & Kusuma-Powell, O. 2011. How to teach now: five keys to personalized learning in the global classroom. Alexandria: Virginia, USA.

