e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Ubiquitous learning: Effectiveness of Flipped classroom approach over Didactic teaching methodology.

Ubiquitous learning can be simply discussed as learning environment assisted by technology (Ogata et al. 2009). Ubiquitous learning allow learners to access the course content anytime and anywhere (Hwang et al. 2008). This learning process can shift traditional classroom in to student-centered classroom, customized according to learner’s characteristics and requirements. Technology plays a vital role as a medium in this learning environment. However technology alone cannot be considered as major source of knowledge and learning.

In a student centered classroom (education at campus), educator should guide students to analyse the information and facilitate them in applying the knowledge acquired in pre-class room activities. Flipped learning approach is one of the effective pedagogies in line with all these educational strategies discussed.

I have discussed my current practices of implementing flipped learning along with educational technology to enhance students learning experience in my previous post.

Kindly share your suggestions, comments and feedback. Thanks in advance.

Hwang, G.-J., Tsai, C.-C., & Yang, S. J. H. (2008). Criteria, strategies and research issues of context-aware ubiquitous learning. Educational Technology & Society, 11(2), 81–91.

Ogata, H., Matsuka, Y., El-Bishouty, M. M., & Yano, Y. (2009). LORAMS: Linking physical objects and videos for capturing and sharing learning experiences towards ubiquitous learning. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 3(4), 337–350.


  • Quan Duong Bao
  • Quan Duong Bao
  • Quan Duong Bao
  • Quan Duong Bao
  • sheerazmeerkhatri0021 meerkhatrishah0210
  • sheerazmeerkhatri0021 meerkhatrishah0210
  • sheerazmeerkhatri0021 meerkhatrishah0210
  • sheerazmeerkhatri0021 meerkhatrishah0210
  • sheerazmeerkhatri0021 meerkhatrishah0210
  • Mike David