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Multiliteracies: Simplifying Learning

According to Shampa Biswas, multiliteracies is multimodal ways of communication, which include communications between other languages, using language within different cultures, and an ability to understand technology and multimedia. Symbols, audios, videos, billboards, or emails/listserv, for example, are integrated to the social and education media. 


Multiliteracies could imply being exposed to numerous and nested ways of learning. It is numerous hence it does not hinge on just the printed textbooks nor on orals alone but anchors on abundant of texts, photos, videos, sounds etc. appealing to different learners. It is nested in that it is layered around technology and multimedia tailored to a particular learning goal in such a way as to actively engage the learner and achieve coherence in delivery.

In support, newlearningonline.com opined that ‘multiliteracies’ is as a result of new information and communication media where meaning could be made in different ways that are increasingly multimodal. The many modes may include visual, audio, gestural, tactile, spatial patterns etc.  

Multiliteracies methods can inform, engage, and encourage students to embrace the multiplicity of the learning practices (New London Group, 1996). Newman (2002) suggests that teachers integrate four components of multiliteracies in teaching:

(1) situated practice: leads students towards meaningful learning by integrating primary knowledge.

(2) overt instruction: guides students to the systematic practices of learning processes with tools and techniques.

(3) critical framing: teaches students how to question diverse perceptions for better learning experiences.

(4) transformed action: teaches students to apply the lessons they learn to solve real-life problems. 


The above four steps can be greatly utilized in teaching skill courses.

EXAMPLE: A lecture in building construction on the right aggregate for mortar could be designed to first ascertain the students' level of knowledge through situated practice. In such situation, they could be provided with materials and allowed to lay block in a demonstration laboratory.

A further step in the overt reaction will allow everyone learn the use of the appropriate tools and techniques, perhaps through a video ( other multimedia). The students could as well be given assignment at the end of the video session or class to find other views or means of doing same job, prepare their discoveries in videos or audio tapes as well, by this process engaging their critcial framing abilities.

Transformed action through multimodal/multiliteracies delivery could be transferred to real life situation where learning is tested. The best part of it all is that any part of lesson missed or forgotten could be replayed over and over till mastery is achieved.

Suffice it to say, that multiliteracies solely captured the concept of multimodal learning. It is a method that proven engaging capabilities especially in classroom management. Its need could not be overemphasized in this 21st century.

The differences in the traditional media and new media in line with multiliteracies of multimodal concept is amazing. It further buttresses the need for quick embrace of ubiquitous learning.

Media embedded December 1, 2016


More so is the concpet of new meida, digital media, video learning, etc which all work hand in hand with multiliteracies.

New media most commonly refers to content available on-demand through the Internet, accessible on any digital device, usually containing interactive user feedback and creative participation. Common examples of new media include websites such as online newspapers, blogs, wikis, video games and social media. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_media

Digital media is any media that is encoded in a machine-readable format. Digital media can be created, viewed, distributed, modified and preserved on digital electronics devices.


  • Samaa Haniya
  • Daniel Chukwu
  • Samaa Haniya