e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Module 2 – Active Knowledge Making, Learning Practices, and Learning Technologies


Module 2 offers valuable insights in to the shift from knowledge consumer to knowledge producer.  That shift is enabled in part be today’s learning technologies plus an expanded set of learner interactions and practices.  This update looks deeper at those practices and learning technologies. The primary reference is The Future of Learning and Teaching in Next Generation Learning Spaces, http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/S1479-362820140000012027 .  As shown in Table 2 from Chapter 2, knowledge creation highlights these learning interactions and practices:

·         Creating, innovating, experimenting

·         Collaborative problem solving and investigation

·         Working with ideas and/or materials together and individually

Technologies referenced include:

·         Mobile

·         Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

·         Access to internet, e-texts, databases

·         Web 2 tool or LMS

·         Discipline specialist software

·         Large display and shared workspaces


Below I’ve have reviewed “Technology Used” and the impact to this course:

Technology Used

Impact to This Course


I would find it very difficult to create insight documents using a smart phone or tablet.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

With a centralized LMS supporting multiple operating systems, BYOD is not an issue.

Access to internet, e-texts, databases

Many higher ed institutions bundle access to online reference materials such as www.books24x7.com

That would be helpful for this type of course where independent research is a requirement.

Web 2 tool or LMS

As sited earlier, taking this course on parallel, non-integrated platforms is problematic.

Discipline specialist software

This is not developed in the article, but I would interpret this to mean software applications relevant to the learning framework or topical area.  For example, if you were learning sales effectiveness, you would want access to your Salesforce application.

Large display and shared workspaces

So far there has not been a requirement for collaborative activities.


The work also describes the “hidden” work of using digital technologies in new learning modalities. The usability and learnability of the interface controls that integrate technologies is critical.  Case in point for our course is the lack of a technical interface between Coursera and the U of I Scholar platform.  So far I haven’t found any simple interface and the result is the learner must toggle back and forth between platforms, cutting and pasting insights, comments, etc.  It would not be a trivial task to mirror all inputs from all participants in both platforms, but it would certainly simplify and enhance the user experience.  Your thoughts?