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Blended learning

Blended learning is considered a ubiquitous learning concept due to its ability to integrate various learning methods and environments, making education accessible and flexible for a wide range of learners.

Definition of blended learning: an educational approach that combines traditional classroom methods with online learning activities and resources. The hybrid models allows the face to face parts of the learning pathway which would have traditionally been administered within a lecture classroom environment to be recorded and viewed by students anytime, anywhere. It may also involve a mix of instructions, structured online study, interactive e-learning, and hands on activities. This ubiquitous learning style further democratises knowledge and brings down a lot of the barriers to education. Regarding effectiveness, there is huge opportunity to make the learning pathways significantly multi-modal which is generally considered as helpful for understanding and knowledge retention.

Here are some of the reasons why blended learning is considered a ubiquitous learning concept:

It combines traditional and digital methods: Blended learning mixes traditional classroom pedagogy with online educational materials and interactive online experiences. The approach allows learners to benefit from both face-to-face instruction and digital content and presented as a multi-modal package. Please note, even the traditional classroom pedagogy can be pre-recorded and shared with learners on an online format.

Accessibility: Digital components to blended learning can be accessed by learners at anytime, anywhere making education more accessible (particularly for those in employment or who have caring responsibilities).
Online platforms generally provide adaptive learning path, enabling learners to learn at their own pace and according to their own needs. For example, one may complete the learning items which makes sense to them most first, leaving the trickier concepts until last.
Incorporating interactive technology into online learning can increase engagement levels. Multimedia content, online activities, and interactivity are all known to increase learners enjoyment levels during the course.
Skills development:
Blended learning pathways are generally structured in a way which helps develop and enhance digital literacy and self-directed learning skills. Learners become more adept at using technology and managing their own learning which is a crucial skill-set for success in the modern world.

  • Reyna E Chavez