e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Empowering Learners: Unveiling the Depths of Metacognitive Learning

Dear e-Learning Ecologies MOOC community,

I'm thrilled to delve into a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of learning—Metacognitive Learning. This concept revolves around the idea of understanding how we learn, monitoring our learning processes, and making conscious decisions to enhance our learning outcomes.

Defining Metacognitive Learning:

Metacognitive Learning involves the ability to reflect on and regulate one's own learning processes. It's about understanding the strategies we use to learn, monitoring our comprehension, and adjusting our approach based on this self-awareness. This metacognitive awareness is a key driver of successful learning, fostering a deeper understanding of both content and learning strategies.

Example: Concept Mapping for Enhanced Understanding

A powerful example of Metacognitive Learning in action is the use of concept mapping. Imagine a scenario where learners, after studying a complex topic, create concept maps to visually represent their understanding. This process prompts reflection on the connections between concepts, identifies gaps in comprehension, and allows learners to actively engage in metacognitive processes. As a result, learners not only grasp the material at a deeper level but also develop a heightened awareness of their own learning strategies.


To explore Metacognitive Learning further, consider the works of psychologists like John Flavell, who has made significant contributions to the study of metacognition. Link to Flavell's work

Best regards,

Melanie sauterelle