e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Unlocking the Power of Collaborative Intelligence in e-Learning

Dear e-Learning Ecologies MOOC community,

I'm thrilled to shed light on an innovative and transformative concept that is reshaping the landscape of education - Collaborative Intelligence. This paradigm harnesses the collective knowledge, skills, and insights of a group to create a dynamic learning environment that goes beyond traditional individual-centric approaches.

Defining Collaborative Intelligence:

Collaborative Intelligence refers to the synergistic and collective problem-solving abilities that emerge when individuals work together, leveraging their diverse skills and perspectives. It's the recognition that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, fostering an environment where collaborative efforts lead to richer, more profound learning experiences.

Example: Communities of Practice in Action

A compelling application of Collaborative Intelligence is evident in the concept of Communities of Practice (CoPs). CoPs bring together individuals with common interests or professional goals to collaboratively learn and share knowledge. For instance, consider a virtual CoP of educators exploring innovative teaching methods. Through shared discussions, resource-sharing, and collaborative projects, members collectively enhance their teaching practices, benefiting from the diverse expertise within the community.


To delve deeper into Collaborative Intelligence, explore the works of scholars like Etienne Wenger, a pioneer in the field of Communities of Practice. Link to Wenger's work

Best regards,

Melanie sauterelle