e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Revolutionizing Learning: Embracing the Power of Recursive Feedback

Dear e-Learning Ecologies MOOC community,

I am excited to introduce a transformative concept that holds the key to shaping personalized and effective learning experiences – Recursive Feedback. This concept represents a departure from traditional assessment models, emphasizing continuous, iterative feedback loops that empower learners throughout their educational journey.

Defining Recursive Feedback:

Recursive Feedback is an approach to assessment that prioritizes ongoing, dynamic feedback loops over static, one-time evaluations. It involves a cyclical process where learners receive feedback, apply it to their work, and then receive further feedback based on their improvements. This iterative nature promotes a deeper understanding of concepts and fosters continuous growth.

Example: Intelligent Tutors with Adaptive Feedback

One compelling application of Recursive Feedback is found in Intelligent Tutors with Adaptive Feedback. These systems use artificial intelligence to provide personalized feedback to learners as they engage with educational content. For instance, imagine an intelligent language learning tutor that not only corrects grammar and vocabulary but adapts its feedback based on the learner's progress and areas of struggle. This continuous, adaptive feedback loop ensures that the learner receives targeted support, leading to more effective skill development.


For those eager to explore Recursive Feedback further, I recommend delving into the works of educational technologists like Carol Dweck, who has extensively researched the impact of feedback on learning mindset. Link to Dweck's work

Best regards,

Melanie sauterelle