e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Recursive Feedbacking and its importance to learning

A feedback serves as an avenue for an individual to grow and improve in any aspect of one's life. As a teacher, feedback to learners are as vital as giving them instruction. Feedback may come in many forms, but what us important is that the feedback must be given in the most appropriate time. Some learners learn better when they are constantly being given a reaction to what they do, they tend to improve themselves better when they recieve a timely feedback. However, for a class with many learners, immediate feedback is proven to be difficult sometimes. Luckily, there is the presence of technology. 

Many of educational tool nowasdays are those games interactive web activites that has immediate feedback mechanisms. This enables the learners to recieve timely feedback thereby led to an improved performance.

We have differemt types of feedback. 

Formative Assessment refers to an ongoing feedback or assessment to learners to determine if the learning is indeed taking place in the classroom. This is a better way of making sure that the objectives of the lesson are being carried out and the learners duly understand the expected outputs or skills of them.

Continous Assessement is described to be the real-time feedback. It is similar to a formative feedback. The goal of this is to provide timely feedback on the performance or output of the learners on the "now" status.

Peer Review. A peer review is a powerful tool as feedbacking mechanism. This allows learners to set their own standard of the quality of the outputs expected based on how they understand the output or activities are to be done. This form of feedbacking is not very intimidating on the part pf the learners are they themselves are reviewing and grading their own outputs.


FM-Carlson.qxd (sagepub.com)

What Is Peer Review? | Types & Examples (scribbr.com)