e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Peer-to-peer Learning

collaborative intelligence

Collaboration is a pervasive need of human civilization. It enables powerful augmentation of systems to sustain and evolve. Collaboration is enabled through sharing information, resources, and responsibilities.
Since the invention of the Internet, we have gained a new capability of communicating and interacting with peers and with knowledge repositories remotely, through cyber connections. Internetworked e-Work is a culmination of many collaborative activities based on information technology. From that, collaborative intelligence appears.

Fig. 1. Coordination, cooperation, and collaboration – scopes and relationships

One of the examples of collaborative intelligence concepts is Peer-to-peer learning. Peer-to-peer learning is a mutual learning and training strategy that involves participants of the same level engaging in collaborative learning. Simply put, peer-to-peer learning is when one or more learners teach other learners.

This type of learning allows peers to work through new concepts and share ideas with their peers working on the same project. The opportunity to teach and be taught by one another is an effective way for organizations to grow stronger employees that work together productively.

Any strategy involving students engaging in collaborative learning with one another can be considered peer-to-peer learning. Here are several ways in which you can incorporate peer learning into your classroom, whether in-person or partially online:

  • Peer Review
  • Collaborative Assignment
  • Think-Pair-Share
  • Socratic Seminar
  • Jigsaw
  • Panel Presentations


- Zhong, H., Levalle, R. R., Moghaddam, M., & Nof, S. Y. (2015). Collaborative intelligence-definition and measured impacts on internetworked e-work. Management and Production Engineering Review, 6(1), 67-78.

- https://lsa.umich.edu/technology-services/news-events/all-news/teaching-tip-of-the-week/ways-to-incorporate-peer-to-peer-learning-in-your-classroom.html

  • Husain Altowairqi
  • Alanood Nood
  • Alanood Nood
  • Faisal Otibi