e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Creating e-Portfolios

My dad always said, "Variety is the spice of life" and I think that he is right. Sure, one basic format (text) may be easier for an instructor to grade, but there is something "flavorful" about students getting to choose a format in which to present their learning. I think that all students would be well-served to develop throughout their schooling an e-portfolio of work in a variety of formats. If there was a cloud service that was specifically for multi-formatted student work, schools or individual students could have an account and save all major work throughout their learning. What a tremendous resource to see your own personal and educational development over a lifespan! I have already begun this with my own children - I take pictures of their projects and artwork, save digital copies of essays and narrations, and plan to continue so that they have a body of their own work that will not take up physical space and can be multi-dimensional in format. My mom has a file folder of paper that captures some of my best work, and I always love looking through it. But today's generation can do so much more! I look forward to the development of more programs and web tools that can allow students to create work in digital formats and as others have referenced in the Coursera week 4 forum, the development of standards for quality in multiple formats.