e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

The Role of Experience in Learning: Giving Meaning and Authenticity to the Learning Process in Schools

The implications of adding experience as a central ingredient to the formula for explaining learning in schools are staggering. How are teachers across all subject areas to balance these two rather distinct elements of human learning and development if they do not have an experience base themselves? The experiences of technological education teachers may be particularly important to study if the curriculum in schools is to reflect the multi-dimensional needs of both young and mature learners and if a more complete understanding of how people learn is to be reached. Many technological education teachers have a life and work experience base from which to draw when designing learning activities in schools. More important, this base is much more central to the effectiveness of these teachers and to curriculum design generally than heretofore thought. Such teachers and the teacher educators who prepare them initially for the role of teacher would do well to ensure this aspect of professional life is valued and recognized more widely.

