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Project-based learning

It is a type of modern learning that depends on the implementation of a group of projects assigned to students within the academic lecture, and project-based learning is also known as one of the educational strategies that aim to link the field of systematic education and field education that contributes to supporting students to employ Their personal skills in interacting with the curricula, making them feel independent, and their ability to lead the lecture in a self-style, and also the idea of project-based learning is associated with most undergraduate studies, and postgraduate studies that rely on the presence of a project within their study plans as a condition for obtaining a university degree. Many psychologists have been interested in this type of learning, and among the most famous of them was the educational psychologist Jean Piaget, who viewed the idea of project-based learning as one of the best educational ideas, which is concerned with focusing on making the student an essential part of the parts of the lecture, by proposing A set of problems for the students, and then assigning them to search for solutions to them, and formulating them based on the formula of study projects that help them reach the objectives required of these study projects. Project-based learning is characterized by a set of characteristics, namely: It depends on a specific idea or problem that must be worked on to reach solutions within a specific period of time. The lecturer and the teacher assist in evaluating the students and identifying their personal skills related to the preparation of projects and research. It contributes to increasing the students' personal knowledge through their endeavor to reach a solution to the project idea. It helps to create or manufacture something new, especially in projects related to engineering and scientific ideas. It is considered one of the advanced educational methods, especially in the field of self-learning.

  • Mrs. Kholoud alzhrani