e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Parent involvement and technology

We all have been discussing about students and teachers here. There was not much attention pertaining the parent’s role, although it has a strong effect on the student's education. Parents can affect the student’s learning ability with either enhancing or worsening it. Therefore, parents need to keep in touch with teachers and teachers should update parents with anything new related to the students’ performances.

I’ve read an article recently, related to the impact of technology on parents involvement. A school that offers a website, teachers providing their e-mails, and offering any other communicating tool, surely has much more parents’ engagements with its updates than any other school with no much means of communication. This research interviews parents and teachers regarding technology and parents involvement. It suggests ways to better engage parents if they can’t interact directly and be physically at school.

Here is the article:

Using Technology to Increase Parent Involvement in Schools.

If you have any thoughts regarding this topic, please feel free to share it here.

  • Eric Fleeks