e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Peer Assignment #7: Differentiated learning - Learner diversity

Diverse learners include differences in race, ethnicity, culture, language, mental abilities, family structure, socioeconomic status etc. Research shows that even kids from the same background may need different treatment relating to their preferred learning styles.

Differentiated learning

Teachers can differentiate content, process, product and environment to suit the learner (see https://inservice.ascd.org/what-is-differentiated-instruction/) This may be a cause of frustration for teachers as they try to make accommodations for each learner and create an unmanageable workload for themselves, causing a great deal of stress.

However, if we act on this research we will be able to provide the educational excellence each learner deserves, whether child or adult.

Technology is a great tool as it allows participants to log in from wherever they are in the world and provides opportunities for differentiated learning experience. For instance, if the facilitator makes the service available it should be possible to view subtitles if you’re not familiar with the primary language of instruction. E-learning platforms allow people to slow the pace of the video or view recordings in their own time. These are multiple ways for people to engage - via voice or chat or discussion boards or group work. There are also varied formats available to explain the same concept - eg if you prefer to read you can access the article, if you would like someone to explain the concept to you you can watch an instructor video article. This allows learner’s to discover and pick the method that best caters their learning style.

Differentiated learning doesn’t have to be an isolating experience as there is great benefit from diversity of views and group experiences , for eg knowing that a certain approach won’t work in a specific area or people from different parts of an organisation bringing together different pieces of the puzzle to solve a common issue.

We need to work out ways to flex and adapt our teaching styles to fit our students’ needs and provide a flexible learning design based on:

  • Teaching in multiple ways
  • Providing choices for learner engagement
  • Accommodating all students rather than singling out the ones that may need special support

Differentiated learning offers a powerful resource for everyone to learn more. It can enable students to develop cross cultural and enhanced critical thinking skills if well equipped by the instructor.



“Learning by Design”, https://newlearningonline.com/learning-by-design/learner-diversity

“Diverse Teaching Strategies for Diverse Learners”, http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/107003/chapters/Diverse-Teaching-Strategies-for-Diverse-Learners.aspx

“Ensuring That Instruction Is Inclusive for Diverse Learners”, https://www.edutopia.org/article/ensuring-instruction-inclusive-diverse-learners

“Illuminated instruction”, https://www.illuminateed.com/blog/2017/07/steps-teachers-site-leaders-apply-differentiated-instruction/

“What is Differentiated Instruction”, https://inservice.ascd.org/what-is-differentiated-instruction/