e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Adaptive learning

Adaptive learning

Adaptive learning is a computer-based and/or online educational system that modifies the presentation of material as per student performance. These systems capture fine-grained data and use learning analytics to enable human tailoring of responses. The associated learning management systems (LMS) provide comprehensive administration, documentation, tracking and reporting progress, and user management.

When a learner faces difficulties understanding a concept or lesson, the instructor tutors that learner to help understand that concept or lesson according to the needs of the learner. That means, the instructor adapts or alters his/her way of teaching according to the needs of the learner. This is adaptive teaching and tutoring thus is an adaptive teaching/learning experience.

An instructor cam take care of the problems of one or two learners at a time. But it is difficult for one instructor to do this effectively for room full of learners. There comes the necessity of machine or computer adaptive learning or teaching.

Adaptive learning technology does not replace rather support the instructors to provide the best possible learning experience for each and every student.


