e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Blogs: Platform for Collaborative Intelligence by Ethel Agnes P Valenzuela

Social activity such as blogging is becoming an indispensable dimension of  teaching and learning. The web blog was coined by Jorn Barger on 17 December 1997 and the short form of “blog” was coined by Peter Merholz in 1999. How can we use blog in the usual classroom teaching and learning activity? What will be its contribution to ubiquitous learning and e-learning ecologies?

A blog as many knew it is considered as a social media tool that allows one to share ideas and to engage the audience in conversation. Most blogs provide answers to questions or areas of interest to the public. It can be a useful tool for marketing and commerce. But what about education? Can it be used to teach the subject areas?

With the emergence of new technology and the use of digital technology in the classroom, teaching and learning platforms are varied. Teachers need creative ways to adapt the students highly socialized and interactive lifestyle. Blogs in education were on the rise esp during this time of pandemic tp support millions of children who are hunkering dwon due to school closures. As schools switch to online learning, teachers can use blogs to generate interactive and dialogue between and among students who provide blogs and comments at the same time.

Teachers must be able to use the blogs as educational tools and they can give students the freedom to publish content to the web with some guidance. When we were in primary schools (many decades ago), we use informal and formal theme writing classes using the school’s notebook that can be bought in bookstores. Teachers will check each of these themes and give a rating based in writing styles. But today, blogs are serving these purpose. However a blog is now supported by images, videos and photos and so on. Unlike before it is public and comments can be given and tools for commenting are there, giving more ideas for exchanges of communication.

Kalantzis and Cope (2017) in the e-Learning Ecologies: Principles for New Learning and Assessment talked about the paradigms of learning and application of educational technologies including pedagogical alternatives. To me, blogs can support many teaching strategies and techniques. It can aid in supporting reading, writing reflecting, and sharing. It can be used for English or language courses and even Social Studies or Mathematics or almost any subjects. The teacher can judge the academic writing as well as classmates can give their feedback and comments. Blogs enriches the experiences of the students as well as teachers. It can be integrated as one important pedagogy for the 21st century classrooms, with clear guidance and rubrics for grading, which is also important. Blogging should not be seen as external source, or an isolated subject but should be considered as a pedagogy in itself.


Oliver, K.H. and Coble R,R, (2016) Teaching with Blogs. Vanderbuilt University Centre for Teaching.

Bill Cope and Mary Kalantzis (2017). e-Learning Ecologies: Principles for New Learning and Assessment.