e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Technology Mediated Differentiated learning

Differentiated intsruction is pedagogical philosophy compounded on the principles that teaching and learning need to address the diversity of learners. The learners differs in terms of their readiness leve, interest and learning profiles, thus differentited instruction are tailored to address all the aforementioned types of learners. Educators can differentiate the content, process, product and learning environment using the variety of instructional strategies like technology mediated instructions and using variety of developmentally appropriated instructions.The technolgy mediated instructions helps to differentiate instructions due to the efficacy of visualization of abstract concepts. The technology enabled instructions create dynamic learning environment, where students dynamicaly, contextually and graphically visualize the concepts. 

The dyanamic technology like GeoGebra had potential to connect the algebraic and graphical concept, enhancing the conceptual understanding of the concepts.Thus, GeoGebra is an effective digital tools that address the diversity of learners to enhance their conceptual learning,