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Multimodal knowledge representation

Multimodial representation means embedding the multiple media in teaching and learning of the particular concepts.In 21 st Century, teaching and learning is not confined in four walls, but beyond it. Unlike traditional didactic instructions where teacher transmit the knowledge directly from text without using any supplementary tools to make meaningfu, the new learning embeds diversity of digital tools to make learning enjoyable and worth learning.

The abstract mathematical concepts can be visualized graphically,dynamically and contextually using digital tools like GeoGebra. it connects both the algebraic and graphical definition of particular concepts.The integration of such a technology helps to enhance the conceptual learning instead of instrumental learning.

In 21 st century, the learning is dictated by acess to the technolgy. For instance, when the COVID-19 catrastrophe struck the education, resulting in the closing of all physical classes, teaching and learning occured remotely and on digital platforms.In such a situation, multimodial learning takes signifcant role.Educator can create the simple online learning platforms embedding all the videos, image,notes,PPT and audio related to particular concept and make student to access the sites.

Thus, multimodial representation of the concept is an essential approach in teaching and learning, as it caters the diversity of learners.

Knain E. (2015) Multimodal Representations. In: Scientific Literacy for Participation. SensePublishers, Rotterdam. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-6209-896-1_3