e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

MOOCs -- What Exactly Is It?

A few weeks ago, I was chatting with my sister regarding the topic of "virtual learning". I was sharing my experiences when I suddenly had to teach virtually when the schools had closed due to the Pandemic. My sister, who will be receiving her Doctorate in December and loves all things virtual, told me to look into "MOOCs" to broaden my resume. There have been numerous times when I have looked at my sister and thought "what is she talking about". (Trust me, if you knew her, you would also have that thought!) When she told me about them, I was intrigued. I joined and now I am writing about what exactly are "MOOCs"!

"MOOCs" otherwise known as "Massive Open Online Course" was began in 2008 by George Siemens and Stephen Downs. It was originally titled "Connectivism and Connective Knowledge/2008". Four years later, in 2012, Professor Sebastian Thrun and Professor Peter Norvig from Stanford University instructed an online course titled "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence". Since this course was such a huge success, Professor Thrun and Professor Norvig began "Udacity". "Udacity" was a model for online knowledge sharing. 

Manisha Krikanth wrote a article titled "The Advantages and Disadvantages of MOOCs for Learning" in July 2020. Krikanth describes the following as the advantages and disadvantages of MOOCs. The following information was taken from the Infoprolearning.com site.

The Advantages of MOOCs:

1. Courses are offered for free
2. Access to courses offered by professors at the top schools
3. Courses are available to a vast and diverse audience across the globe
4. Learners’ performance can be monitored easily using the data captured during the start of courses
5. Both professors and learners get world-wide exposure, thus improving pedagogical techniques and knowledge sharing
6. Can be used as a tool in a blended learning program, where students can access more information than what is provided in the class

The Disadvantages of MOOCs:

1. Can’t provide for personalized courseware and attention from a tutor
2. It is difficult to keep track of students’ assignments and involvement
3. Learners with disabilities and a poor Internet connection can’t use MOOCs
4. Language can be a barrier while offering MOOCs
5. MOOCs can’t be used as a credit-earning course at universities

Coursera, edX, and Kadenze are all examples of MOOCs. 



Krikanth, M. (7-12-20). "The Advantages and Disadvantages of MOOCs for Learning". Infoprolearning.com https://www.infoprolearning.com/blog/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-moocs-massive-open-online-courses-for-learning/

  • Ethel Agnes Pascua Valenzuela