e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Lifelong and Lifewide Learning Mobile Apps- Update #1


Learning is a life-long process for me. As an educator and mom, I am a perpetual student, using formal pathways, informal or non-formal, i.e. through books, social media, and digital media to grow and develop. According to the National Agency for Education, Stockholm,” lifewide and lifelong learning” refers to learning throughout an individual’s lifespan. Lifewide learning is “understood as...every day happening continuous life process of adults, which builds and changes personalities, caused not only by formal and self[-]directed intentional learning, but also by unintentional, but nevertheless important and effective learning. It is argued that the learning of adults - in contrast to traditional children school learning - is typically based on many situations and sources merged and mixed “widely” into concrete life.” One of the ways I have gained new skills is the use of mobile applications to coach me through learning/developing a new skill set/habit ubiquitously.

Many adults could use support with goal setting especially as we balance careers, family life, and other obligations. How can we stay fit, spend time with family and friends, feed our spirituality, etc. and maintain balance in our busy world? The mobile application “Fabulous” is a way to help coach adults to find more balance in life through personalized education, challenges, planned reminders, and celebrations of accomplishment. Not all learning has to come from a textbook or be work/school-related. Personal growth and development of habits are just as important and vital.

[Fabulous app screenshots | Tapptitude]

Fabulous is an effective way to be coached to learn new lifelong and lifewide habits ubiquitously. Since it is accessible on any mobile device, learning and growth developing and tracking can happen anytime and anywhere. There is a peer to peer component where participants can encourage and answer each others’ questions.

These types of tools can also be useful in the classroom. To be lifelong learners no matter the discipline, our students must develop habits of mind. Some vital habits students should develop are persisting and managing impulsivity (Heick). Mobile applications could be developed to help students to manage and track their skill/habit development as they matriculate through life.




