e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

When I "Misbehaved" in the Classroom - Didactic Pedagogy in the 1970s

As I think about the difference between didactic and reflexive pedagogies, a memory from my own childhood education keeps popping up. I usually got in trouble for doing one of the two misbehaviors. 

1. Talking to my classmates when we were supposed to be working on our ditto sheets. 

2. Standing up at my desk to complete my ditto sheets.

Now that I'm an educator, I know I process information best when I can discuss with it someone else and I concentrate better when standing up. 

If I had a time machine and could go back to that classroom in 1978, what would I suggest the teacher do differently? 

1. Let the students work in small groups to complete the ditto sheets. 

2. Let the students stand at their desk if they want to while working. 

Now over 40 years later, I'm wondering how I can apply these two learning methods into my own class as I transition to remote instruction. 

  • Ivo Escobar
  • Rebecca Latour
  • Blanca Camacho