e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Multimodal Knowledge Representations and some concerns regarding inequality

Multimodal Knowledge Representations can be defined as the construction of meaning and learning through different modes of communication. These different modes fit into the needs of different users and allows them to have a more diverse and complete learning experience. This obeys the theory that people have different learning styles in which they thrive. 

As clearly stated in the videos for this course, this is different from traditional pedagogy in which the focus was mostly written modes and on occasion visual modes. New media has allowed for all these modes to co exist in the same space at the same time. This has lead to what one could argue a more inclusive learning experience in which all types of learners can finally have their needs adressed instead of being subjected to a method that made their learning harder than it needed to be. 

This change responds both to the new technological capabilities available to teachers and students and to the emerging new fields of work for which students must be prepared for. New fields such as social computing, semantic webs, and computational biology demand for students to be able to learn to use multimodal representations to analyze and interpret the data necessary for them. 

These is a great opportunity for growth for many schools and educators as they can use new technology and teaching techniques. A lot of schools will be happy to move towards this trend and I myself have taught at schools that are embracing all the new possibilities for the sake of their students.

However I have some concerns regarding the inequality that this might bring. While multimodal knowledge representations don't have to be tied to technology, we can't ignore the fact that they are easier to work with thanks to technolgy as it was already adressed in the videos. But not everyone has access to these technology and I would argue that depending on the country, most people simply don't have it. Unfortunately this means adding another factor to the widening of inequality as it has already been observed that technological progress has already widened income inequality.

In the case of my country (Mexico), we already have a huge inequality problem in every aspect of society but in the access to education and technology it might be more evident. High end private schools might be able to provide students with computers, software, makerspacers, 3-D printers and many more things. However lower income and public schools simply don't have the resources to provide these opportunities for their students and will eventually enter college and the job field at a significant disadvantage in comparison to their private school counterparts.

I have already stated that multi modal knowledge representations are not necessarily tied to technology, but we can't deny that there has been an emphasis in it. There is simply not comparison of having one school with computers for each student while others might not even have markers or walls. One of my main concerns with this otherwise fantastic concept is that it could potentially translate into showcasing how the best education won't always be available for everyone.


Lopez-Rodriguez, Clara & Prieto Velasco, Juan Antonio & Tercedor, Maribel. (2013). Multimodal representation of specialized knowledge in ontology-based terminological databases: The case of EcoLexicon. JoSTrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation. 20. 49-67.

Noy, N., McGuinness, D., Amir, E., Baral, C., Beetz, M., Bechhofer, S., Boutilier, C., Cohn, A., de Kleer, J., Dumontier, M., Finin, T., Forbus, K., Getoor, L., Gil, Y., Heflin, J., Hitzler, P., Knoblock, C., Kautz, H., Lierler, Y., Lifschitz, V., Patel-Schneider, P. F., Piatko, C., Riecken, D., & Schildhauer, M. (2013). Research Challenges and Opportunities in Knowledge Representation. . https://corescholar.libraries.wright.edu/cse/218

Prince, J. (2016, November 13). Technology's Impact on Economic Inequality. Retrieved from https://medium.com/@jaheddddd/technologys-impact-on-inequality-ebca665e03f8

FACTORES QUE GENERAN LA DESIGUALDAD EDUCATIVA EN MÉXICO. (2019 11). Revista Acta Educativa. Retrieved from https://revista.universidadabierta.edu.mx/2019/06/11/factores-que-generan-la-desigualdad-educativa-en-mexico/

  • Arjen Deij
  • Teresa Bretón Orrala
  • Arjen Deij
  • Andrew Beitsch
  • Teresa Bretón Orrala