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Ubiquitous Learning Concept - Blended Learning

Source: eLearning Feeds

By definition, the term ubiquitous means existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered : WIDESPREAD.1 If we combine it with the definition of learning, which is said to be knowledge or skill that is acquired by instruction or study2 , we can say that the idea of ubiquitous learning is the acquiring of a skill or knowledge by exposing yourself to that skill or knowledge constantly. Because this skill or knowledge is widespread and is constantly encountered it can take place anywhere and at any time.

An example of ubiquitous learning could be the development of a hobby. Your interest is sparked in a concept or idea and you set out on a mission to gather as much information about that concept as possible. You then sieve through this information, cutting out what does not appeal to you and connect with the parts that do. This learning is not confined to the parameters of a classroom. It is driven by a keen interest to know something you did not know before.

The information relating to that concept is out there - you just have to search for it. The ability to consult multiple resources and put your ideas and research into action is a great way to learn new skills and habits.

The article titled: How to find a hobby as an adult, written by Marlen Komar3 provides a 7 step process of the development of a hobby.

Here is an interesting video link relating to this concept: VIDEO.


Ubiquitous Learning Concept - Blended Learning

The concept of blended learning is a great way to pull down the wall of traditional learning. Effective learning can not take place in a vacuum and when we combine multiple platforms of learning, we create a blended or whole picture. We want to encourage our students to embrace the concept of embracing every opportunity to learn, then we need to expose them to the platforms they are spending the most time on.

I am a teacher at a high school and with the forced shut down of our classrooms we have no choice but to engage in this blended model. But one of the biggest stumbling blocks is how to make it interesting. You have to speak your students language and let them engage with material and platforms that they find interesting. This will allow them to engage with the learning process even if you don’t have direct access to them.

1 - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ubiquitous

2 - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/learning

3 -  https://www.bustle.com/articles/119942-how-to-find-a-hobby-as-an-adult