Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics’s Updates

Group 10: Remixology

This project explaines the history of remixing songs and the ethical or unethical path people take. Remixing songs has a main concern of copyright or stealing other work from the original producer and making it your own. 

In the powerpoint I had a lot of technical difficulties and the program would not download my voice recordings. I explained the slides in more detail via my recordings but for some reason it would not transfer. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Kylie McCabe
  • Madison Verner
  • Kimberly Laivo
  • Natalie Keys
  • Laurel Poff
  • Rachel Bertram
  • Alison Prunauer
  • Cody Bryant-Zygowski
  • Zoe Hill
  • Taylor Crawford