Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics’s Updates

Lesson 14 & Digital Media Log

Assignment 21: 

I think my online behavior really just shows that I am, for the most part, bored. The only time when I legitimately use the internet is when I'm bored and trying to kill time or actually having to do research/assignments for a class (such as this one). I sort of keep quiet online, I don't really have much to say to others. I'd like to say I'm honest & affirming while also being a 'troll', but definitely not in a deceitful way. Me and my friends pick fun at each other without malicious intent and send each other really weird memes from time to time, but that doesn't make us unethical internet trolls. Personally, I think I would like to hire somebody like me. My online self shows a charismatic individual who is capable of taking on difficult tasks. However, there are a few things I'd like to change. I'd probably like to go ahead and delete some old social media profiles from when I was a kid that don't properly reflect who I am anymore. Sometimes I feel like my online life gets in the way of my offline life because I quickly revert to technology the minute I'm bored – and I get bored very easily, unfortunately. Some ethical issues I've noticed in my online life are that advertisements that promote the ideal "american look" are bombarding me everywhere, I can't imagine how such ads would affect somebody who


 is much more vulnerable than I.

  • John Sullins