Win18_Phil302 Cyberethics’s Updates

Lesson 14: What does my online profile say about me?


Assignment 21:

My online behavior consists of surfing social media, I don’t commonly interact in social media. My social media profiles have limited posts as I don’t commonly post my everyday activities as some individuals do. When I am interacting on social media, I am as honest as I can be and stay true to how I really am. Too many people present themselves in a false light, creating an image for social media that they do not hold true in the real world. With this being said, I would hire someone like me, as I believe to be an asset to almost any business. After examining my online life, I have noticed I spend a good deal of time surfing the web and social media. Time that I could be allocating to school and the gym. I often tell myself that I have a limited amount of time to myself and there for I surf the web and social media between projects. If I were to stay focused on the tasks at hand, I could restructure my time and allocate it to the things I truly want to do.