LDL Students and Alumni’s Updates

Dr. Robert Hall: A Journey of Leadership and Excellence in Higher Education

Meet Dr. Robert Hall

In the vibrant world of culinary arts education, Robert Hall stands out for his innovation and dedication. From his beginnings as an instructor to his current roles as University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College (UAPTC) Culinary Arts Department Chair, Quality Matter Coordinator, Online Learning Director, and Chair of Technology Supported Learning, Robert's journey has been very inspiring.

๐ŸŽ“ A Vision for Growth: Dr. Hall's primary goal was clear: to advance within his current career path. Through the rigorous curriculum and supportive environment of the LDL program, he gained the skills and confidence needed to excel in leadership roles.

โ€œI came away from my LDL experience with greater appreciation for "engagement" in education. A critical element in education, to ensure high level learning, teachers must be engaged with students, students must be engaged with each other, and students must be engaged with course content. It is the responsibility of the instructor to design a course structure that fosters this kind of engagement. I enjoy being creative in my own work, trying to accomplish deep teacher-student-content engagement.โ€

๐Ÿ“ Lessons Learned: Throughout his journey, he learned the power of peer review feedback: โ€œThe LDL program helped me hone critical thinking skills and more fully develop as an academic writer. Giving feedback in a peer review was something I experienced several times and have implemented in my work in the culinary school. While there was an organized peer review (we followed a rubric), an unspoken take away for me was the realization that reviewing someone else's work and providing feedback really served to improve my own writing. I have implemented this principle in several of my culinary classes, assigning students peer reviews; the result has been measurable, witnessing significant improvement of student performance.โ€

Reflecting on his journey, Dr. Hall also emphasizes the quality of the LDL program. From faculty support to the dedication of his classmates, every aspect of the program contributed to his success.

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ A Supportive Network: Behind every achievement stands a network of support. Robert Hall acknowledges the unwavering encouragement from his family, friends, colleagues, and the faculty and staff at UAPTC. Their belief in his potential propelled him forward, even during the most challenging moments.

๐ŸŒŸ Advice for Aspiring Leaders: To graduate students eyeing a future in higher education administration, Dr. Hall offers invaluable advice: consider the LDL program at UIUC. It's a journey that's intense yet immensely rewarding, with every aspect contributing to professional growth and success. โ€œThis is a GREAT program. As trite as it might sound, the LDL program that resulted in my EdD was life-changing. I now enjoy more responsibilities and resulting higher pay because of, at least in part, my experiences in the program.โ€

Robert Hall's journey through the LDL program culminated in earning his EdD in 2022, marking a significant milestone in his career and personal growth.

Join us in celebrating Dr. Hallโ€™s achievements and unwavering commitment to excellence in higher education! ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŽ“ #StudentSpotlight #LDL