LDL Students and Alumni’s Updates

Student Spotlight: Carol Chen - Innovating Education at Kang Chiao International School

Meet Dr. Carol Chen, an inspiring educator at Kang Chiao International School - Taipei Campus, where she excels as an English teacher, EAL Specialist, and Literacy Coach. Carol's commitment to education and passion for innovative practices have shaped her journey through the University of Illinois LDL online EdD program.

Dr. Chen chose the LDL program for its leadership in innovative instructional practices. The program's cutting-edge approach to education made it the perfect fit for her desire to find new ways to support struggling English learners and to expand on her TESOL background.

🚀 Pursuing an EdD for career change: Her goal was to discover innovative practices to enhance her teaching. The LDL program provided her with the tools and knowledge to integrate traditional learning theories into progressive learning environments and to move instructional design into the digital realm. She adds that the program's structure and content provided ample room for innovative thinking.

📝 Key Learnings and Experiences: During her time in the program, Carol gained “a deeper understanding of how traditional learning theories can be immersed into more progressive learning zones and moving instructional design/lesson planning into a digital learning environment”. These experiences have significantly shaped her career and personal goals, making her a more effective and innovative educator.

💡 Advice for Aspiring Educators: Dr. Chen recommends “focusing on one learning need and building a robust set of digital tools to address it”. Her insights and experiences highlight the importance of targeted and strategic approaches in educational innovation.

Dr. Chen attributes her successful completion of the EdD program to the unwavering support from her school administrators. This support network was crucial in helping her navigate the challenges and opportunities of the program. She earned her EdD in 2021, marking a significant milestone in her career. The program has equipped her with the knowledge and skills to continue innovating and improving educational practices at Kang Chiao International School and beyond.

Join us in celebrating Carol Chen's journey of educational innovation and her contributions to shaping the future of learning!