LDL Students and Alumni’s Updates

Learning Design and Leadership Doctoral Candidate, Diego Hernández Losada, appointed Chancellor at Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (UAO)

Dr. Diego Hernández Losada, a doctoral candidate from the Learning Design and Leadership Program at the University of Illinois shares his incredible journey to becoming Chancellor at Universidad Autónoma de Occidente (UAO). 🎓✨

We asked Dr. Losada to tell his story, his lifelong of pursuit of excellence, his vision for UAO, insights from Illinois, and advice for future leaders!

1) Please share a bit about your story and the experiences that have led you to this leadership position.

I hold a Doctorate in Economic Sciences (2006) from the National University of Colombia, a Master of Science in Finance (2000) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, a Master's in Economics (1998) from Javeriana University, a Master of Business Administration (1992) from Universidad del Valle, and a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering (1986) from the National University of Colombia. Driven by a passion for continuous learning and a desire to address modern educational theories and the emerging challenges of digital transformation and technological convergence, I started a new doctoral journey in education commencing the EdD in the Learning Design and leadership program in Fall 2022.

The key to attaining a leadership role in Higher Education lies unwaveringly in pursuing excellence. My intellectual curiosity has always driven me to explore a breadth of disciplines beyond my first career as an industrial engineer, delving into business administration, finance, economics, and, recently, education sciences.

The broad spectrum of my academic background and a wealth of practical experience have cultivated my management skills, equipping me to deliver swift and effective outcomes in my new charge. This skill set has been instrumental across various roles I have undertaken, both within the University and in national government.

In the National Government, I was Director of the Administrative Department of Science, Technology, and Innovation -COLCIENCIAS between August 13, 2018, and December 17, 2019. After that, I was appointed deputy minister of knowledge, innovation, and productivity between December 18, 2019, and January 31, 2021. At Universidad Nacional de Colombia, first, between June 2006 and June 2012, I served as Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Bogotá. Second, from April 2013 to June 2016, I was the Vice-Chancellor of the Bogotá branch. I have been entrusted with decision-making responsibilities in public policy in education, science, technology, and innovation, and I have always been able to contribute with outstanding achievements.

2) Describe the new position, the features of your new University which attracted you to accept this position, and what you hope to achieve in it.

Since my first doctoral course, EPOL 481 'New Learning,' I envisioned spearheading the transformation of a higher education institution within Colombia, where I could implement innovative teaching and learning models, leveraging the full spectrum of knowledge, technology, and digital tools available.

The Universidad Autónoma de Occidente UAO is an institution of very high academic quality and innovation, and it is very willing to accept the challenges that technological convergence brings us and to lead a modernization of higher education in the southwest of Colombia.

Over 30 years ago, I started my academic career as a university professor at UAO. It fills me with immense pride to culminate my academic journey by returning as a Chancellor where it all began. I am returning with expectations of transferring knowledge, and many accrued positive experiences.


3) As a doctoral candidate from the LDL Program at the University of Illinois, could you share some key insights from your studies that you believe have prepared you for your new role as Chancellor at the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente?

The University of Illinois has given me a robust foundation to embrace this new challenge. Every course I have taken in the doctoral program has been a decisive step toward preparing myself for my future endeavors and responsibilities. While the Board of Directors of UAO has placed considerable value on my career achievements, my conversations with them about my doctoral studies with the University of Illinois significantly influenced their decision.

My doctoral studies provided an unparalleled foundation for the interview process. I consistently drew upon my experiences within the doctorate program to illustrate my points, which unanimously resonated with and convinced the committee members.

4) For current and future graduate students, what advice do you have as they navigate their academic journey and consider leadership roles in education?

In education, pursuing excellence is an aim and foundation for institutions and their communities to thrive. Excellence also involves knowledge transferring to society to produce wealth and welfare.

Those challenges demand a relentless quest for knowledge, a dedication to pedagogical innovation, and a genuine commitment to fostering environments where critical thinking, creativity, and knowledge creation can flourish.

As we navigate this path, we must maintain efforts to refine skills, expand our minds to diverse roles and contexts, and contribute to the extent of academic opportunities for more people, especially the most vulnerable. At the University of Illinois, we proved that excellence is not merely aspired to but achieved and surpassed.

Thank you, Dr. Losada, for this interview. Your success is a source of inspiration for us all. ¡Felicidades!

  • Nancy Rafati
  • Diego Hernandez