LDL Students and Alumni’s Updates

Taking 2 Courses Each Term for EdD Program in LDL

Hello! Dr. Francis asked me to post my thoughts regarding my experiences taking two courses each term for my EdD in LDL. I have been taking two courses a term (2 courses term A, two courses term B) since I started the program last summer. I should also note that I am junior high principal. My motivation for taking on a more accelerated pace is two-fold: encouragement from my school district to get my doctorate ASAP and my own desire to committ myself to the program. 

My thoughts regarding the experience:

1. I feel the experience has required me to devote substantive time to my coursework, which has made me feel as though I am a part of a community and really immersed me in my studies. I have seen how the courses connect and overarching themes that resonate throughout the program, which is helping to make what I am learning ''stick'' in my head. Because the schedule is rigorous, it's simply not an option to complete some doctoral work ''on the side.'' I have to be super organized and working (almost) every day. The community is fantastic; and you get to see the same names and feel connected with your peers. The professors are amazing, and the TAs are super helpful!

2. For those curious about time, I have to devote a conservative 4-5 solid hours every weekend (more if a work project is due, especially in the beginning when I didn't know what I was doing...my first work for the my first LDL course took me about 12 total hours to complete...now that time is substantially shorter, but it's still no joke when it comes to the work load (and you can't be half-reading or multi-tasking... the requirements for participation require thinking and engagement with peers). I also spend approximately 3-5 hours total throughout weekday evenings working on coursework as my schedule allows. These are rough estimates; but as you can probably assume (and depending on your personal and family life), the time committment is intense

All-in-all, I am proof that it can be done if you are highly-motivated, organized, and resilient (there is a learning curve with the platforms and tech). I am currently finishing up my last required course now. I have finished the EDS pre-work and now I am starting on my general field. 

I hope this helps if you are considering taking two courses per term. 

Best wishes!

  • Lauren Purcell
  • Lauren Purcell
  • Melissa Zaniewski
  • Melissa Zaniewski