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"Block Courses" at the University of St. Polten Applied Science - Austria

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to briefly share a scheduling and delivery strategy that I am experiencing here in Austria while on Fuibright. The university program schedules the Master courses in "blocks". Students take one class at a time, 3 courses a semester in "blocks". A block is taught 2 half days a week in lecture format and a third lab day where students are split between a morning and afternoon lab session. I personally think this is going to be exhausting teaching 4 hours at a time but maybe I'm getting "soft". I think the key advantage is the focus for the students. I'm not a fan of muli-tasking as it I believe it leads to a lot of stressful, lost time, and productivity. This is designed to minimize multi-tasking and let the student focus on one subject at a time during the semester. 

Another interesting aspect is this is they mix face to face and remote delivery such that students and faculty do not have to travel to the university 3 days in a row. My first week is more remote than face to face with the first day face to face and the remaining two days remote using Teams/Zoom.

Has anyone taught in this format at a university? Any advice or thoughts?