LDL Students and Alumni’s Updates

Join us for LDL Connects 2023: September 28th-30th in Champaign, Illinois

Save the Date! https://ldlgathering.web.illinois.edu/

Join us for our second annual LDL Connects in-person gathering from September 28th to September 30th, 2023 at the Urbana-Champaign campus. This is for all LDL students and alumni. Other College of Education graduate students are also invited to join us.

View our website to learn more and to indicate your interest by filling out the Save the Date form.

If you have any questions, ideas, or want to be involved in the planning committee, please reply to this post or contact me directly.

If you have any graphic design skills and would be willing to create a logo for our event, I'd greatly appreciate your help.

Update: Jasper created this sample for us. (he actually created four samples, but this is the one I selected)

LDL Connects Logo - original

I asked him to add a campus image. (He did this in a matter of minutes) What do you guys think?

LDL Connects Logo - campus below

And another option

LDL Connects Logo - campus underlay
  • Kara Francis
  • Jasper Dioco