LDL Students and Alumni’s Updates

LDL Agile Management Software: Jira and Confluence

General Field Kanban Board

If you're struggling how to find the most effective way to visualize and keep track of LDL deadlines, I encourage you to explore Jira and Confluence. Both products are free to use! As a former agile EdTech product manager, these tools, along with Miro whiteboards, helped me deliver tight deadlines. I will briefly share with the group how to setup a Kanban board, create issues, add them to a sprint, create a sprint, and compile your documentation on Confluence that links within Jira.

Join us at 8:30 on March 21st.

In the meantime, check out Atlassian University for further training.

My General Field Whiteboard

Have your own daily "stand-up" scrum meeting and ask yourself:

  1. What did I work on yesterday?

  2. What am I working on today?

  3. What issues are blocking me?


Atlassian, along with Drs. Cope and Kalantzis are Australia's best exports!

  • Trevor Aleo
  • Anastasia-Olga (Olnancy) Tzirides
  • Ivana Uzelac