Negotiating Learner Differences MOOC’s Updates

Racism in America

The United States has a long history of racism. Non-Black people adopting Black haircuts and engaging in other types of cultural appropriation is a visible manifestation of this trend on the streets and on social media feeds. It manifests itself in the persistent microaggressions and overt racism that plague American schools. This is seen in the recent killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, as well as the police brutality shown against Black Lives Matter protestors. It's past time for a change!We will not stand by and let racism and police brutality continue in our society, and we will do everything we can to teach others how to do the same. 

Recognizing the problem is the first step toward solving it. Racism appears in various forms, despite the belief that it always takes an openly apparent or deliberate shape. Research conducted in the United States has shown prejudice in many facets of society, including the medical field, the housing market, and the news media. Job candidates with "stereotypical" African-American names have a lower chance of being contacted for an interview, and dark complexion tones are devalued in the global beauty business. To fully grasp racism and its complex development, one must also know its background. People were discouraged from casting ballots due to obstacles such as poll fees and literacy exams. Although these statutes avoided mentioning race specifically, they were written with minorities in mind.

  • Asad Arslan Asif